Tuesday 25 August 2020

Eat These 15 Foods To Make Focusing Your Mind A Breeze

The things we eat have the power to help our brains function at optimal levels or to sink us into the morass of fog and forgetfulness. Why? Some foods (like things overly processed or full of sugar) create inflammation in your brain, making it harder for you to do what needs to get done.  What foods will get your brain hopping?

1. Avocados
Rich in vitamins and minerals, avocados are excellent for memory and cognitive function. They also protect against blood clots in the brain, making this a superfood on many levels. 
2. Beets
Beets have many benefits. They knock back inflammation, give energy, and improve your blood flow to the brain, so you think better after eating them.
3. Blueberries
Full of antioxidants, and packed in goodness, blueberries are great to combat the effects of stress and aging on our brains. 
4. Bone Broth
Another food which fights inflammation, bone broth is one of those foods that helps enhance memory. But it also naturally boosts the immune system, meaning it helps your body heal and performs better overall. 
5. Broccoli
Keep memory on track with broccoli and enjoy all the other benefits from this vitamin-rich food at the same time. It’s also a great go-to for snacking.
6. Celery
We know celery is great for dieting, but did you know it’s full of antioxidants and also reduces inflammation? That’s a lot from this crunchy veggie.
7. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is another food that aids to prevent memory loss as you age, making it an essential addition to your diet. 
8. Dark Chocolate
Great as a dessert, dark chocolate increases blood flow to the brain, enhancing cognitive skills. Even better? This tasty treat helps lower your blood pressure. 
9. Egg Yolks
Choline in egg yolks is necessary to brain development before you’re even born. Even more interesting? Eggs affect the pleasure-inducing chemicals in your brains. 
10. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Of all the foods listed here, this one can reverse age-related damage to the brain. Useful for enabling learning and making your memory better, using Extra Virgin Olive Oil means better health all around. 
11. Green Leafy Vegetables
Worried about losing your memory with aging? Eating lots of green leafy vegetables will slow the process.
12. Rosemary
Not only does Rosemary protect your eyesight, but it also slows brain deterioration. 
13. Salmon
Full of omega-3 fatty acids, salmon will make your thought processes clearer. No more brain fog! Salmon also enhances learning. 
14. Turmeric
Turmeric has strong anti-inflammatory properties, and also enhances blood flood to the brain, leaving you more alert and better able to function. 
15. Walnuts
Studies have shown walnuts help to protect against Alzheimer’s, which is good news, especially to those who might be genetically predisposed to the disease. They also increase your ability to think clearly and keep your brain sharp.

Monday 24 August 2020

6 Ways to Fire Up Your Creative Spark in 30 Minutes or Less

Not feeling very creative, but have a little time to try and boost that creative spark? Below you’ll find several tips that will set your brain back in motion in just 30 minutes or less!

1. Create something. By using your hands to create something new, you stimulate your brain to think creatively. Buy some modeling clay and see what you can make. Take up knitting or crocheting. Try baking something (especially bread dough that you can knead yourself). The key is to put your fingers in motion.

2. Get outside – specifically in a green space. Studies have shown that exposure to green spaces stimulates the brain in numerous ways – one being in the areas associated with creativity. To get your fill of green, visit a park. Or if you’re feeling more adventurous take a hike. Have some space? Try gardening.

3. Spend time with your BFF. By getting together with someone you know well and have come to trust, you can relax and talk about the things that are really on your mind. Your BFF is the perfect person to brainstorm with, or even to talk out a problem. And who knows, they might even have the solution you’re seeking!

4. Try yoga. The gentle movements involved in yoga makes it an ideal exercise for anyone. But did you know that there were specific poses said to inspire creativity? Add to this the fact that yoga is known to reduce stress and relax the mind. That means it’s the perfect exercise for the person who is stuck and needs to find a creative spark.

5. Try something you’ve never done before. By experimenting with a new skill, or even a new recipe, you stimulate parts of the brain that you haven’t used in that way before. That inspires new connections in your neural networks, which are so necessary for creative thinking.

6. Last but not least – take a nap. It could be that you’re just too tired to be creative. Half an hour is the perfect amount of time for a cat nap, to rest and recharge that brain!

Having a limited amount of time shouldn’t keep you from being creative. There’s a lot of things you can try in only 30 minutes or less. The key is to get your mind engaged in something new or interesting. Pay attention to what works, and then consider using whatever caused the spark to create a new habit. That will keep the creativity flowing year-round!



Saturday 22 August 2020

Looking To Develop Your Creativity? Try These Tips!

Some people seem more naturally creative than others. We usually associate creativity with writers, artists, musicians, and dancers – things associated with the arts. But creativity is a valuable skill that anyone can use, whether you’re being asked to look for an out-of-the-box solution at work, or just to come up with something fun and interesting to do with your friends this weekend. 

What are some quick things you can do to develop that creative habit?

1. Decide to be creative: As with anything, you’re never going to improve in an area until you sit down and decide that you’re going to. You must commit to being creative. Then set up a plan to carry out that commitment.

2. Specialize: It’s hard to see a creative solution to a problem you don’t understand. Take the time to educate yourself in the area where you wish to be creative. Learn it inside and out, and then examine it again, from the point of view that comes from understanding.

3. Be curious: When something interests you, take note of it. Write down your questions. Use these as jumping off points when you’re looking to be creative.

4. Become a risk-taker: Don’t stick with the tried and true solutions. Ask yourself how you can do things differently? Then jump in and try things that way to see how they go.

5. Drop the negativity: By thinking you can’t find a solution, or that it’s impossible to be creative, you have already failed. Don’t create self-fulfilling prophecies. Instead, decide you will succeed, that the solution is already there.

6. Brainstorm:Throw out ideas, one after another. Get wild and crazy and see what sticks. The best creative ideas come out of the silly ones.

7. Know there’s more than one right way to get something done: If something isn’t working, that doesn’t mean there’s no solution – only a solution you haven’t found yet. Keep trying. Look for the other ways things might work.

8. Look for inspiration: Spend time exploring other people’s creativity to stimulate your own. Visit art galleries. Listen to music. Read books. Explore the world around you and see what touches off a creative spark in you.

9. Let things snowball: Jump from one idea into another and another and another. See where the creative path takes you. Maybe you won’t find the solution to the problem you’re working on, but you might find the solution to something else, so jot down the best ideas that crop up.

Creativity doesn’t have to be out of reach, even if you tend to think of yourself as an un-creative person. By working to develop your creativity, you’ll enjoy more success in your work and home life and will learn new ways to think and do things. With so much benefit, isn’t it time to find that new and exciting more creative version of you?


The Many Benefits Of Lifelong Learning

From the time we’re children, we’re pushed to learn things. By adulthood, most people are somewhat relieved when the learning portion of their lives is over. The problem is, saying goodbye to learning isn’t a good idea. There are so many benefits of lifelong learning, stopping with graduation, and a diploma would be a serious mistake.

What are some of those benefits?

  • Solutions Are Easier to Find

A brain kept sharp through continuous learning is going to be better at finding solutions to problems, in part because of better cognitive function. Also, because there’s just more knowledge available to draw on to find a solution.

  • You Just Sound Smarter

When you constantly challenge yourself to find out new things, your conversation shows the effects. You’re more up on current events, and your ability to talk intelligently in social situations increases. Knowledge also raises your cred on social media, especially on sites such as LinkedIn, which is essential when job hunting.

  • You’re Better Prepared

Not sure what to do in a crisis? Spend time learning. By understanding the basics of first aid or how things are supposed to function in your workplace,you will be better able to handle an emergency.

  • You Mind Sparks

Looking for an idea or new perspective? Perhaps you want to be more creative? You can easily enhance each of those areas through learning.

  • You Become a More Capable and Confident Employee

When you’re always learning in the workplace, you become more self-assured in your work, a feeling you’ll start carrying with you into other aspects of your life. It’s this attitude that gets you noticed, especially when the time comes for promotions.

  • It’s Good for Your Brain

Finally, perhaps one of the most important reasons for pursuing knowledge is that it’s good for your brain. Studies have shown a brain engaged and continuously challenged with new information is sharper, with better cognitive skills. The benefits don’t stop there. Learning means your brain keeps growing, creating new neural pathways. Learning things has also been proven to help prevent Alzheimer’s and other effects of dementia. It has even shown to reverse some of the impact of those issues as you age. No wonder it’s a good reason to keep learning as you grow older!

Lifelong learning is something to be pursued, not just because it’s ‘good for you’ like taking the proverbial vitamin pill. Chasing after learning can be both enlightening and fun and will serve you well throughout your entire life. With that in mind, it’s an easy decision to become a lifelong learner. Only through knowledge can you truly become your very best self.

Friday 21 August 2020

9 Changes to Make to Your Life to Keep Your Brain Healthy and Focused

 Losing cognition skills doesn’t have to be inevitable. In fact, by making some simple life changes now, you can help your brain to stay healthy and focused, regardless of your age.

1. Drop the Stress

Chronic stress can damage your brain. Start with an honest evaluation of what stress you can erase. For the rest, remember you can always learn the skills to manage it better. Try daily meditation and exercise. Time for yourself is really of utmost importance.

2. Get in Motion

Speaking of exercise, did you know regular physical activity is not just good for your body but brings your mind to peak condition as well? Try exercise that requires you to concentrate for added benefit.

3. Try Something Fishy

Those omega-3 fatty acids are good for you. Eat salmon, tuna, or some other kind of fatty fish every week if you can.

4. Drop the Sugar

It’s a known fact sugar isn’t good for you but did you know eating a lot of it will lead to inflammation in the brain inhibiting brain function? Now is the time to find other, healthier snacks, like veggies or nuts.

5. Spend Time with Friends

Getting out with people you enjoy spending time with keeps your brain engaged and challenged in positive ways.

6. Learn Stuff

Nothing is quite so good for your brain as engaging it and challenging it with new information. Take a class. Learn a language. Do something new.

7. Drop the Toxins

Things like smoking, alcohol, and constant exposure to toxins in the environment will impair your brain function. Clean up your environment. Quit smoking. Limit alcohol consumption. Doing all these things will help you to stay sharper longer.

8. Pay Attention to your Vitamins

Making sure your nutritional needs are in balance will keep your brain functioning at its best. The important ones for brain health? B-12, B-6, magnesium, and folate. In a healthy diet, you would normally get most of what you need. Although you could add to this a supplement with Vitamin D if your levels are low.

9. Sleep

In the end, making sure you get enough sleep is one of the best things you can do for your brain (and your general health). Make sure you’re getting 7-9 hours of sleep at night, in an environment optimal for sleep.

Some attention on your brain now will serve you well in your later life. Don’t delay in making these changes. The sooner you begin, the better. Your brain will thank you for it!


Eat These 15 Foods To Make Focusing Your Mind A Breeze

  The things we eat have the power to help our brains function at optimal levels or to sink us into the morass of fog and forgetfulness. Wh...